Context Broker


This service is a distribution broker that federates information from multiple underlying NGSI-LD Context Brokers and across domains. It is responsible for implementing selected parts of the NGSI-LD API and limit the exposure of underlying services.



C4Container System_Ext(producer, "Context Producer", "An agent that uses the NGSI-LD context provision<br>and/or registration functionality to provide or announce the<br>availability of its context information to an NGSI-LD Context Broker") System_Ext(consumer, "Context Consumer", "An agent that uses the query and<br>subscription functionality of NGSI-LD to<br>retrieve context information") System_Ext(keycloak, "Keycloak", "Open ID Connect compliant<br>identity and access management") Container_Boundary(c1, "Context Broker") { Container(context-broker, "context-broker", $techn="Go", "You are here") Container_Ext(notifier, "notifier", $techn="Go", "A service that handles notifications") } Container_Boundary(c2, "Federated Brokers") { Container_Ext(brokerA, "Context Broker A", "An architectural component that implements all the NGSI-LD interfaces") Container_Ext(brokerB, "Context Broker B", "An architectural component that implements all the NGSI-LD interfaces") } Rel(producer, context-broker, "creates, updates or deletes<br>entities in", "https, NGSI-LD") Rel(consumer, context-broker, "fetches entities<br>from", "https, NGSI-LD") Rel(context-broker, notifier, "sends notifi-<br>cations via", "https") UpdateRelStyle(producer, context-broker, $offsetX="30", $offsetY="-150") UpdateRelStyle(consumer, context-broker, $offsetX="50", $offsetY="-150") UpdateRelStyle(context-broker, notifier, $offsetX="-30", $offsetY="-50") Rel(context-broker, keycloak, "validates auth tokens", "OIDC") UpdateRelStyle(context-broker, keycloak, $offsetX="-130", $offsetY="-50") Rel(context-broker, brokerA, "creates, retrieves, updates or<br>deletes entities in", "https, NGSI-LD") Rel(context-broker, brokerB, "creates, retrieves, updates or<br>deletes entities in", "https, NGSI-LD") UpdateRelStyle(context-broker, brokerA, $offsetX="-180", $offsetY="-40") UpdateRelStyle(context-broker, brokerB, $offsetX="-20", $offsetY="-40") Rel(notifier, consumer, "notifies registered consumers<br>about entity changes", "https, NGSI-LD") UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="2", $c4BoundaryInRow="1")

TODO: Add a diagram that explains the inner workings of the context broker.


The context broker implements a subset of the NGSI-LD API. In this section we will document what specific endpoints have been implemented.


In conformance with the specification, all NGSI-LD endpoints are presented under the root /ngsi-ld/v1. This context broker supports the following operations:

Create Entity6.4.3.1POST/entities
Retrieve Entity6.5.3.1GET/entities/{entityId}
Merge Entity6.5.3.4PATCH/entities/{entityId}
Update Entity Attributes6.6.3.2PATCH/entities/{entityId}/attrs/
Retrieve Temporal Evolution of an Entity6.19.3.1GET/temporal/entities/{entityId}
Delete Entity6.5.3.2DELETE/entities/{entityId}
Serve @context6.30.3.1GET/jsonldContexts/{contextId}


A health endpoint, that can be used by kubernetes probes for instance, is exposed on the default port under /health. A future release will move this endpoint to a separate control and monitoring port.

Git Hub


Since the service is distributed as a container image, it can easily be started using docker or podman with the following command:

docker run --rm

To be able to do anything useful though it is dependent on one or more other brokers to federate. See the section on configuration below or checkout the compose file under for more help on this.


Environment variables

CONTEXT_BROKER_CLIENT_DEBUGbooleanfalseMore verbose output that can be used for debugging problems. Note that this does NOT control the logging level per se.
SERVICE_PORTinteger8080The port to accept incoming connections on

Command line flags

configfile path/opt/diwise/config/default.yamlPath to a configuration file containing federation information.
policiesfile path/opt/diwise/config/authz.regoAn authorization policy file.

Configuration files

There are two main configuration files that control the behaviour of the context broker. The first one is the federation configuration for the broker. While other brokers implement the subscription API from NGSI-LD, we have chosen a static configuration model that increase the security and supports the configuration as code methodology.

The other configuration file is the policy file that contains the authorization policy as code. The default policy uses secure defaults by only allowing GET requests. See more about this file under the next section.


Access to endpoints and individual access to tenants, endpoints and entity types can be configured using an Open Policy Agent policy written in rego. The default policy sets secure defaults by restricting access to only allow GET requests.

An example of how to customize the authorization can be found in the policy file used by default in our docker compose example. See


If N organizations deploy their own on premise installations of diwise, they will most likely end up with N (+1?) different configurations due to differences in their infrastructure, policies and regulations. Our services are however built to allow for a large amount of flexibility when it comes to integrating diwise in an organization.

Observability and Monitoring

Since diwise is based on a microservice architecture it is of upmost importance that we provide easy access to indicators that can help monitoring tools and human beings infer the internal state of our platform.


All logging is sent to stdout in json format so that it can be filtered and redirected to your logging aggregator of choice. In compose, we have chosen to use fluentbit to be able to aggregate the logging output using Loki.

Our logging framework of choice at the moment is zerolog, but we plan to make a breaking change when the structured logging package slog becomes available in the golang standard library. We really like zerolog, but believe that moving to a standard like slog is a better choice in the long run.


There are currently no application specific metrics emitted from the broker, but there will be. We promise.


To be able to connect the dots between different services we have decided to use the open telemetry sdk to create tracing spans with the appropriate tracing baggage. These spans can then be sent to a collector endpoint in the OTLP format and aggregated in a tool such as Tempo.

The following traces are created at the application level:

SpanAttributesCreated ByDescription
postnonenotifierSpans the posting of a notification to a registered endpoint.
create-entityngsild-tenantngsildSpans a create entity operation intitiated via the NGSI-LD api.
query-entitiesngsild-tenantngsildSpans a query entities operation intitiated via the NGSI-LD api.
retrieve-entityngsild-tenant entity-idngsildSpans a retrieve entity operation intitiated via the NGSI-LD api.
merge-entityngsild-tenant entity-idngsildSpans a merge entity operation intitiated via the NGSI-LD api.
update-entity-attributesngsild-tenant entity-idngsildSpans an update entity attributes operation intitiated via the NGSI-LD api.
delete-entityngsild-tenant entity-idngsildSpans a delete entity operation intitiated via the NGSI-LD api.
retrieve-temporal-entityngsild-tenant entity-idngsildSpans a “retrieve temporal evolution of entity” operation intitiated via the NGSI-LD api.

The ngsild spans have corresponding subspans that are generated by the context broker client package.

Run Book

In this section we will list different failure modes for the service, how to detect them based on observability data and how to recover from them.


This section is supposed to list questions that get asked frequently by integrators and developers.


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