Set up development environment
- git
- docker
- visual studio code or an IDE of your own choosing.
Provided that you have all the prerequisites installed on your computer, the first step to getting started with diwise is to check out the main repository from Copy and paste the line below into your terminal, then press enter:
git clone
You can now open the project in your IDE and familiarise yourself with it.
The docker compose environment assumes that you have modified your hosts file to add local DNS entries for diwise.local and iam.diwise.local.
Edit your /private/etc/hosts file to include the two lines: diwise.local iam.diwise.local
Then invoke the following command to allow the mappings to take effect:
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
Edit your C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file to include the two lines: diwise.local iam.diwise.local
Edit your /etc/hosts file to include the two lines: diwise.local iam.diwise.local
Running and testing
You can use the commands below to start, test and take down the composed environment. The commands assume you are standing at the root of the project directory.
Run the compose environment
docker compose -f deployments/docker/docker-compose.yaml up
Sending data packets
While the compose environment is up and running, data packets can be ingested using curl or another tool of your choice by posting data to https://diwise.local:8443/api/v0/messages.
Clean up environment after testing
docker compose -f deployments/docker/docker-compose.yaml down -v --remove-orphans
To run diwise with log, metric and trace aggregation enabled using tools like fluent-bit, loki, otel-collector and tempo. These are set up in a separate docker compose for performance reasons and must be explicitly included when starting the environment.
docker compose -f deployments/docker/docker-compose.yaml -f deployments/docker/docker-compose.o11y.yaml up
Once started the data collected by these tools will be accessible via https://diwise.local:8443/grafana/
Additional configuration
Configure MQTT
On docker compose up, the services will start with MQTT disabled. The recommended way to add configuration parameters is to create a docker-compose.override.yaml file containing user or project specific settings/secrets that should not be pushed to the repo. For extra protection, this file name is added to the .gitignore file to reduce the likelihood that settings are pushed to GitHub.
An example configuration looks like this:
version: '3'
MQTT_HOST: 'your.mqtt.server'
MQTT_USER: '<mqtt-user>'
MQTT_PASSWORD: '<mqtt-password>'
MQTT_TOPIC_0: '<mqtt-topic>'
And is merged with the default configuration by adding a -f argument to compose like so:
docker compose -f deployments/docker/docker-compose.yaml -f deployments/docker/docker-compose.override.yaml up